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Pets Increasingly Influencing Homebuying And Renovations


Pets Increasingly Influencing Homebuying And Renovations

Rendering of a pet cat and dog sitting on the porch of a wooden home.

Pets & Real Estate Decision Making

Pets are becoming a big factor in homebuying and renovation decisions. More and more homeowners are taking their pets into account when choosing a home as well as remodeling. It’s no longer just about finding the perfect home for the family, but also about making sure their pets are comfortable and happy. With about 66% of U.S. households owning a pet, pets have an undeniable influence on real estate choices. This trend has inspired a unique design movement called “barkitecture”. From custom feeding stations to special outdoor enclosures, barkitecture focuses on creating pet-friendly spaces. Here’s a look at how pets are shaping the way people buy and renovate homes.

Pets & Neighborhood Choices

One surprising detail that has surfaced is how pets are affecting neighborhood decisions. A recent study found that about one in five home buyers considered their pet when picking a neighborhood. This is an important factor that real estate agents are paying more attention to. In fact, it shows just how important pets are in people’s lives.

Here’s a closer breakdown of the stats on buyers factoring pets into their neighborhood choice:

  • 19% of all buyers considered their pet.
  • 19% of married couples did the same.
  • 29% of unmarried couples let their pets influence their choice.
  • 15% of single men factored pets in.
  • 20% of single women did as well.

Clearly, pets are more than just companions! They play a significant role in where people choose to live.

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Rendering of a pet cat and dog sitting on the porch of a wooden home.

Barkitecture Is A New Design Movement

Remodeling For Pets

When it comes to renovations, pets are often front and center. More homeowners are incorporating pet-friendly features into their home design and upgrades. Whether it’s scratch-resistant floors or built-in feeding stations, these additions can make a home more comfortable for pets. Plus they make it easier for their owners to maintain.

Here are some of the most common renovation projects inspired by pets:

  • Scratch-resistant flooring: Laminate, tile, and vinyl are top choices.
  • Landscaping upgrades: 34% of pet owners redesign their yard with pets in mind.
  • Custom feeding stations: Nearly 10% of pet owners create custom areas for feeding or relaxing.

These changes aren’t just functional. They add convenience and comfort for both homeowners and their furry friends.

Pet Messes & Replacements

Owning a pet does come with a few downsides. As an example, around 75% of pet owners have had to replace household items because of their pets. From damaged carpets to scratched furniture, pets can cause wear and tear. And while many homeowners invest in durable materials to prevent this? Pet-related messes, such as shedding and dirt tracking, still remain a challenge.

Here are the most commonly replaced items in pet-owner homes:

  • Carpets and rugs
  • Furniture
  • Bedding
  • Door frames

While pets can be messy, it’s clear that homeowners are willing to adapt their homes and lifestyles to ensure their pets are comfortable.

The Growing Role Of Pets In Home Choices

The role of pets in homebuying and renovation decisions has never been stronger. As people continue to prioritize their pets, real estate professionals and homebuilders are recognizing the need to cater to these furry family members. From pet-friendly materials to custom features, homes are evolving to keep both humans and pets happy. And that’s real estate for ya. Always changing.

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